course handbook: 2019-2022
To gain the ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing, you are required to complete 21 units of competency.
Seventeen of these are compulsory core units, and the other four are set electives. You cannot change these electives, as they are built into the subjects you study for the core units.
The units of competency that make up the ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing are:
- ACMGAS307 Identify animal anatomy and physiology for animal care work
- ACMGAS308 Communicate effectively with client and team members
- ACMVET202 Carry out daily clinic routines
- ACMWHS301 Contribute to work health and safety processes
- ACMINF301 Comply with infection control policies & procedures in animal work
- ACMVET401 Coordinate veterinary reception duties
- ACMVET402 Apply imaging routines
- ACMVET403 Perform clinic pathology procedures
- ACMVET404 Perform practice office procedures
- ACMVET405 Coordinate and perform surgical nursing routines
- ACMVET406 Nurse animals
- ACMVET407 Carry out medical nursing routines
- ACMVET408 Provide nutritional support for animals
- ACMVET409 Provide specific animal care advice
- ACMVET410 Carry out veterinary dental nursing procedures
- ACMVET413 Prepare for anaesthesia and monitor animal anaesthesia and analgesia
- ACMVET416 Assist with the preparation of veterinary drugs and poisons
Set Electives:
- ACMBEH301 Identify behaviours and interact safely with animals
- ACMCAS304 Capture, handle and transport companion animal
- ACMGAS208 Source information for animal care needs
- ACMSPE305 Provide basic care of domestic cats
- ACMSPE304 Provide basic care of domestic dogs

Many of these units are not the equivalent of older units with the same or similar name and code. Therefore we cannot credit transfer them. This is set at the training package level.