This section will discuss how your case study is marked by your nurse educator, and how to read your Assessment Feedback Form which will be sent to you with each returned case study (whether you have passed the assessment or not).
The assessment feedback sheets are used to highlight discrepancies and inaccurate information, offer hints and tips, inform you when you show an excellent grasp of a specific topic or section or advise you when a certain area is not satisfactory.

Each assessment feedback form will include a list of criteria in the left hand column – these are the points that your case study will be assessed on and these match the checklists that form part of the assessment instructions in your learner’s guides.
For each of these criteria you will be marked as either needs improvement, satisfactory or above standard. There is also a column to the right hand side for assessor comments – make sure you read these very carefully as they provide clues to what you need to expand on if you need to resubmit, and provide you with further information and helpful knowledge.
Within each feedback category you are marked on a sliding scale within each category, receiving a low, medium or high mark within each mark, as demonstrated by the position (to the left, middle or right of the box) of the tick as shown below: