You must ALWAYS include your references for all written assignments, from both Internet resources and text resources you access for further information, as well as any people (like vets and nurses) you have ‘interviewed’ to gain further information. When referencing, you must also include the learner’s guides and any textbooks in your reference list.
Remember that plagiarism checks are automatically run on every time of assessment, and case studies are no exceptions. You must use your own words at all times, you cannot just copy sections or paraphrase sections from other people’s work or publications. Writing these case studies is not only so you can learn to apply your new knowledge, but also to demonstrate that you have the required knowledge to pass the subject and units. If you just copy someone else’s work, even if you change the wording slightly, you are not demonstrating YOUR knowledge.
We prefer you use the Harvard Referencing System (or ‘Author Date’ system).