The information that you will need to include will vary greatly depending on the listed criteria within the specified assessment task (an example is shown below), for each case study that you are expected to complete, you will be provided with a detailed list of what you are expected to include within the case study. Use these check lists to ensure you have covered everything the assessment is asking for. If you miss anything out you will be required to resubmit.

To successfully complete a case study assessment you will need to address EVERY required criterion accurately, appropriately and IN DETAIL. If something isn’t pertinent to the case, you still need to discuss it. You can do that by
'Although not necessary this time, if …'
Remember that the case study is an assessment task, and you are being assessed on the knowledge and the application of your knowledge within every section, so provide as much information as you can – this is an opportunity to show case how much you have learnt.
Remember that your literacy, grammar and presentation form part of your overall grade. It is always advisable to have a veterinarian or qualified and experienced veterinary nurse proof read your work before you submit it.
You can also use free online grammar, spelling and plagiarism checkers such as
You should always supply supporting documentation, such as hospital charts or a recorded patient history. These should be attached and referenced as appendices.
Assessment Checklist
Have you covered all the following points?
❑ What to do when the kit is in theatre
❑ Moving kit from theatre to the processing area safely
❑ Unloading the Autoclave inc OHS and inspecting packs
❑ Storage of kits after sterilisation and best environment
❑ Three Improvement Suggestions minimum
Double Check
Have you:
❑ Used correct terminology?
❑ Proofread and checked your spelling and grammar?
❑ Had your mentor proof read and check the content?
❑ Covered all the points required as per the checklist?
❑ Put in all your references?
❑ Run it through the plagiarism checker (optional but recommended).
❑ Used headings and pictures where appropriate?